Friday, January 18, 2019

4a. Do you have time for our lord and savior Dr. Pryor?

Let's keep it short and sweet, I have an Idea with a capital I and I talked with others about what they might like or dislike about the general concept.

1. What is the idea

from my bug list, I believe there is a combination of market and technology that can be harnessed. In the case of bug list item 3: water losing its heat, I believe that there is a chance of including technology that does not require expensive installment (heated tubs) but provides the ability to keep that water heated.

2. What doe the people want?

The unmet is the lack of heated tubs that keep water warm during baths. That need is primarily found within both genders, but could be specifically targeted to females ages 16-35, usually Millennial or Gen-Z, who are of middle to upper middle class who may frequent specialty shops like Lush or Bed Bath and Bodyworks. The need has not been new one and has been tackled with things like heated tubs but the expense to use ratio isn't in their favor. To meet this need, most people stick to adding more hot water into the tub should it go cold. 

3. Who is the consumer?

To fully hash it out, the prototypical consumer would generally be a Millennial or Gen-Z, middle class female or male who has the funds to buy what would be a piece of equipment that would be attachable to their bathtub to maintain the heat in the tub.

4 Some feedback from prototypical consumers

Amongst a collective of dorm floor neighbors and an RA, I have compiled a few interesting features that stuck out both in similarities and differences.

I. Similarity- Timing

the one thing that seemed the most consistent is how frequent of a bather someone is. the most inconsistent bathers were around once every two weeks to 1 month, but the most consistent bathers were a minimum of once a week usually as a form of stress relief. 

II. Difference- Length and purpose

there was a lot of diversity in this topic, most girls ranging from no more than 30 minutes to some going past an hour depending on how much time. that is also impacted by why they bathe, the longer times having mild correlation to those who use it as a time for stress relief and those who bathe shorter periods of time strictly as a means of cleaning. 

III. Similarity- Products

one thing that came up among most if not all was the use of bath products, ranging from gels to bath bombs and regular soap and shampoo. All these products come with different viscosities and materials, so I will have to revise the construction to be careful of materials that can jam the product from circulating water.

IV. Difference- Price

Price is one of the most subjective items that people tend to focus on. When talking to multiple floor mates, frugal spenders versus lavish self-care enthusiasts had different opinions of price ranges for what they would be willing to spend on, so figuring out the costs of the item would tailor the market audience even further to know who to better attend to.

5. What to take away

The opportunity seems to have legs, my biggest hurdles to tackle seem to be prices and purposes, price due to the market and who is both willing and able to buy and the purposes for what proper advertising or demographic fit the product can take form for.

6. So in the end...

I do still think the opportunity is viable, with my original projection still being around 70 percent possible. the feedback has helped narrow what the opportunity should encapsulate and the focus of function.


  1. That's an interesting idea, but how will compete with heated tubs that already exist on the market? Also, what is your understanding of Thermal therapy and would you tubs utilize such a system? After talking with various sources what d othink will your greatest challenge on the market. You were also discussing the struggles with pricing in your blog, who would be your target audience? What type of materials will you use? Will make an affordable product or a leisure item?

  2. This is a great idea, however, I think that you are going to find this to be a little bit challenging.
    I feel as if there is quite a bit of technology or science that's going to be required to devise this heating device, and this may take time and money. I also think that this is going to be a difficult product to brand, considering there are already other similar appliances that offer relatable features. What is going to make yours stand out? Do you think enough people take baths to make this worth the time and effort?

  3. Hi Daniel,

    I really like how you specify the age group and then go on to label them as millennials and Gen-Z, it enhances the reader's knowledge and helps them follow along with your main points. I really relate to your issue and think it is brilliant for you to mention why you picked the age group because they are the ones who shop at body shops for bath products.

  4. Hey Daniel,
    I think it's a very cool idea you got there. Great analysis of the potential market and the customer base in which you have directed the product towards. I think this is definitely a premium product, however there are a few things which may be an issue. From my experiences of people's houses, surprisingly not that many actually have baths. And from those who do, I am unsure as to how regularly they utilise them. Furthermore, the water in baths does tend to maintain it's temperature for around 20 minutes or so which seems like enough time to take a bath right? And if the temperature starts to drop you can always drain it slightly to make room for a little more hot water. Nonetheless, I do still see some potential, particularly if this good is offered at a reasonable price

  5. All I know is that I have been irritated by baths getting cold ever since I knew what a bath was-so all my life. If I'm at a point one day that I have money to spend on stuff like this, I think I would get it. This is a great idea. Sure, you CAN take a bath in 20 minutes or so, but baths are really about relaxing and treating yourself, so why just get in and out? Make it count!
